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WE know what's holding you back

Are your development teams overworked and under-resourced?


No Overview of Capacity

They don't have a good overview of teams capacity and resourcing gaps available. 
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Inaccurate Planning

They are manually estimating and planning work, which costs time and money.
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Lack of Visibility

They struggle to share transparent information with stakeholders across the business. 
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Get started with Forecast

Resource and Project Management for Software and Ecommerce businesses

Forecast helps Software and ecommerce Businesses crush project planning and resource management with AI-powered predictions to keep projects on track, in budget and increase utilization rates.

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Use cases

Perfectly predict future capacity and resourcing demand with our AI-powered solution 

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Instantly understand who can work on what and when

Proactively manage your entire team in real-time on one dashboard to create more availability for valuable resources. 
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Prevent delays and bottlenecks to meet deadlines

Quickly allocate and balance resources to match all project needs accurately. 

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Adjustments use to take days, now they take seconds

Remove the guesswork with real-time insight and recommendations you can act on instantly. 
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The AI-driven platform that brings all your data together to streamline projects, resources and financials.

Explore integrations
Google Drive
Artificial Intelligence

Putting the power of AI to work for you

Our advanced AI technology enables intelligent recommendations so you can be more proactive.

The power of AI

Risk warnings

Understand the true status of your projects. It flags issues proactively, so you can take preventative action to stay on track.

Team focus

Ensure your team is working on the right things to deliver maximum business value.

Predictable execution

Ensure on-time delivery of your tasks, projects and programs without all the administrative work.

Financial control

Cut costs and maximize your profits with real-time insights into financial performance. 

Hear from customers like you

  • Investing in Forecast is a no-brainer for us.

    It’s easier for us to spot inefficiencies before the scope and budget are way overboard and show people where we’re at.

  • Forecast ensures we actually make revenue because the point is margin, right?

    It’s super key and has uncovered significant losses prior to getting on the platform.

  • Hitting and exceeding our 65% margin goal was thanks to Forecast.

    We have a much more accurate view of our margins, expenses and costs as they relate to our projects.

  • Using Forecast my team has become far more profitable

    The team doesn't go over budget anymore, and we see can foresee problems really early with our clients so we can have those conversations at multiple points.

  • We grew our revenue and headcount by 50% and Forecast played a major role.

    First time we’ve ever seen realtime, unified financial performance across all client work. Such a jump from where we were before, onboarding was quick, a lot of evolution for us.
  • Forecast has freed me up from essentially being a full time resource manager

    I'm now ahead of overall delivery and back to running projects. That’s because the system is so easy to use.

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Get started now with Forecast

Find out how Forecast can help you better utilize your team, plan your projects and manage tasks.

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